26/8/2019 - 23/9/2019 (Week 1 - Week 5)
Neoh Kar Yan (0339338)
Advanced Typography
Lecture 1: Briefing
26/8/19 (Week 1)
On the first day of class, Mr. Vinod gave us a brief introduction about the module and of what is to come for the next 13 weeks. He also mentioned that for a change, instead of having him to do the lectures, we will be the ones doing it. We were to split into 4 groups and to prepare a short presentation on the 8 typographical systems.
My group presented on Transitional System and Bilateral System. Here are the compiled slides for all of our presentations.
Through each presentation, we had a Q&A session each round and I found it very informative. I learned that the Random system which to a certain extent, has a method to create it. Even how random a design looks like, it is still taken into consideration to convey information following a strategic hierarchy. Just that, the importance of legibility is not the main priority of the random system. I also learned the differences between the grid system and modular system which both are similarly close but not quite. The grid system moves information within the given space while the modular system moves units of space.
Lecture 2: -
2/9/19 (Week 2)
There was no lecture today as we focused on refining our 16 typographic layouts. We were also briefed on the next exercise, which was to dissect a photo into 5 letterforms.
Lecture 3: -
9/9/19 (Week 3)
We were given feedback on our dissected letters. We were also briefed on the next part of the exercise.
Lecture 4: -
16/9/19 (Week 4)
There was no lecture today as it was a public holiday.
Lecture 5: Typographic Perception & Organization
23/9/19 (Week 5)
26/8/19 - 2/9/2019 (Week 1-Week 2)
For the first exercise, we were told to apply our understandings of all the 8 typographical systems from the lecture and come up with 2 options for each of the 8 systems. In our design, we were to include a set of details given in the MIB as well as to use any of the 9 type families given to us from the last semester. We were only allowed to use black and white and another colour of our own choice. Non - objective elements are also allowed prior it is used very minimally which is hardly visible.
Information to be included:
The Design School,
Taylor’s University
All ripped up: Punk Influences on Design
Open Public Lectures:
November 24, 2019
Lew Pik Svonn, 9AM-10AM
Ezrena Mohd., 10AM-11AM
Suzy Sulaiman, 11AM-12PM
November 25, 2019
Muthu Neduraman, 9AM-10AM
Fahmi Reza, 10AM-11AM
Fahmi Fadzil, 11AM-12PM
Lecture Theatre 12
I started off by sketching out the layouts so that it helps me to visualize my composition.
Fig.1.1: Axial & Radial Sketches |
Fig.1.2: Dilational, Modular & Bilateral Sketches |
Fig.1.3: Axial System |
Fig.1.4: Axial System |
Fig.1.5: Radial System |
Fig.1.6: Dilatational System |
Fig.1.7: Grid System |
Fig.1.8: Modular System |
Fig.1.9: Modular System |
Fig.1.10: Bilateral System |
Fig.1.11: Transitional System |
Fig.1.12: Random System |
2/9/19 (Week 2)
For this exercise, we were required to look for an image of either nature, man-made objects or structures where we can analyse and dissect into potential letterforms. We then have to dissect the image by tracing over it in Adobe Illustrator. After tracing, we were to analyse and identify 5 letterforms out of it. The goal of this exercise was to create letterforms from objects around us and maintaining it's unique and original characteristics.
I chose a picture of a pile of paperclips cluttered together. The reason I chose this is that I liked the complexity of the all the paperclips being mixed up together and I thought that it would be interesting to identify potential letterforms from it.
Fig.2.1: Image of paperclips |
Fig.2.2: Process of traced lines |
Fig.2.3: Final outcome of tracing |
After receiving my feedback, I decided to start afresh with a new picture. I chose a picture with many highways intersecting with each other and I thought the characteristics of the road is pretty cool, with curved and straight roads overlapping one another.
Fig.2.10: Process of tracing |
Fig.2.10: Letter "Y" |
Fig.2.11: Letter "X" |
Fig.2.12: Letter "E" |
Fig.2.14: Letter "A" |
Fig.2.15: Letter "V" |
Fig.2.16: Dissected letters |
I dissected the letters A, E, X, Y, Z from the image. Based on the highways, the characteristics of the roads are pretty windy and curvy. Hence, I wanted to inject that element in my letterforms. So for my first step, I decided to first make the letters aligned to the baseline I created.
Fig.2.17: First attempt |
Next, using the typeface Futura as reference, I adjusted the width and strokes of the letters.
Fig.2.18: Second attempt |
Fig.2.19: Third attempt |
Fig.2.20: Fourth attempt |
Fig.2.21: Fifth attempt |
Fig.2.22: Sixth attempt |
Fig.2.23: Seventh attempt |
Fig.2.24: Eighth attempt |
Fig.2.25: The Final attempt |
Fig.2.26: The Final Outcome |
Fig.2.27: Letter 'A' |
Fig.2.28: Letter 'E' |
Fig.2.29: Letter 'X' |
Fig.2.30: Letter 'Y' |
Fig.2.31: Letter 'V' |
TYPE & PLAY- Part 2: Type & Image
9/9/19 (Week 3)
For part two of this exercise, we were to look for an image and to come up with a short headline. The objective of this exercise is to enhance and support the interplay between the words and the image. The text must be constructed so that it shows a symbiotic relationship with the image.
Fig.3.1: Image chosen |
Fig.3.2: First attempt |
After receiving feedback from Mr. Vinod, I decided to redo this exercise because I also think that I can do so much better than this.
I chose an image of a guy jumping on what seems to be a bridge from unsplash. The colour scheme in this is pretty simple, mostly grey tones. I chose this because I thought that having a bright colour text would make the image pop and look more lively.
Fig.3.3: Second image chosen |
Fig.3.4: Second attempt |
I decided to add faint circles into the image as I wanted to showcase more interaction between the elements with the subject.
The Final Outcome in PDF:
Week 1
We did not receive feedback for the first class.
Week 2
General Feedback: We have to apply what we learned back in Semester 1 to our exercises. It is crucial that we should use the right point size for body text (8-12pts for print) and adjust the kerning, letterspacing. Mr. Vinod suggested that we should also align our contents correctly with having the same sizes of boxes, especially for the grid and modular system. Point sizes for numbers and capital letters such as the time can be reduced by 0.5 pts, to have a smaller size than the rest of the body text would give the overall appearance a much more balanced look.
Specific Feedback: Mr. Vinod mentioned that I did a good job for almost all of my systems. He said that my dilatational system has good movement. Other than that, I was told that my transitional system isn't working for both, that I have awkward spaces in the design.
Week 3
General Feedback: Mr. Vinod told us that we should not lose the characteristics of the original letter and that we should refer to our senior's blogs as reference and guide.
Specific Feedback: After looking at my dissection, Mr. Shamsul commented that the characteristics of my paperclips weren't there and that I should find out the identifying element when extracting the letters. Mr. Vinod also said that it isn't really working and that for my letter S, I can dissect it into two parts then refine it from there. After showing my two revised typographic layouts, Mr. Vinod said that my transitional system doesn't have that transitional rhythm there and my random system is still too structured.
Week 4
Online Feedback:
Part 1 - Flatten the ends. Increase thickness.
Part 2 - It’s ok but it think you can do A LOT better. Not enough work or thought put into it. Needs more.
Week 5
General Feedback: Mr. Vinod mentioned that once we start refining our letterforms from the ones we have extracted, we need to find a core characteristic to appear in all the letters. The process of refining only involves us adding or subtracting certain elements we want and to inject them in all the other letters.
Specific Feedback: Mr. Vinod said that my AEX looks thicker than the other letters. He told me to decide which stroke to be thin and the other to be thick.
Online Feedback: Please refer to an actual typeface to know which stroke is supposed to be thick and thin. The E’s stem stroke is supposed to be thick and not its arms! On e you have don’t that then make the strokes thinner and ticker. Your stroke contrast needs to be more thick and thin. Increase thickness and thinness. All the above is feedback please copy-paste it in RED in the Google Excel sheet. Also, record it on your Eportfolio. The distance below and above the X is not the same, you can make the below the same as the above or slightly wider. Other than that it’s looking nicer, I think.
Week 1: We got to prepare our own lecture which we have never done before back in our first semester's typography class. We also had an informative Q&A session after each presentation which helped with my understanding of the 8 typographical systems. I also learned the differences between the grid system and modular system which both are similarly close but not quite.
Week 2: We were given feedback on each of our typographic system layouts as well as getting to listen to different feedback for other students' work. Honestly speaking, I thought my feedback could have been worse, but I'm glad that I did a pretty decent job at it, excluding the fact of me having my transitional system layouts wrong.
Week 3: Learning how to dissect objects in a picture by first focusing on the small details, then extracting them into 5 letterforms was a new and challenging experience for me. Finding the right image and tracing over it was difficult for me as I struggled at figuring out the outlines and shape.
Week 4: Even though this week was a public holiday, I was struggling with both of the exercises. I thought I would be done with part two of the exercise, but after receiving my feedback, it seems like I have to put in more work and probably redo a new one.
Week 5: This week has been pretty hectic for me, my letterforms refinery wasn't there yet and my type and image was still stagnant, waiting for me to do more. This week, we were also introduced to project 1 in which we had to come up with ten ideas then come up with three digitized output. With three assignments now on my plate, I had to do something about it and learn how to manage my time.
Week 1: I observed that there are various possibilities to how we can arrange information into a composition. A lot of these typographical systems are used in everyday designs such as magazines, advertisements, billboards, etc.
Week 2: Seeing other students' work made me amused by the beauty of different outcomes and styles towards designing a system. It has opened up my eyes towards the possibilities of designing.
Week 3: I noticed that most of my classmates were using objects with cracks as their picture. It might be due to the outcome of the diversity of the cracks that it opens up a lot of letterform possibilities.
Week 4: I felt extremely lost and directionless this week. I was pushing through the process of both exercises despite the feeling. I got so much better after receiving my first feedback and felt the motivation and direction to work on it.
Week 5: I observed that a lot of people were still stuck with the first and second exercise.
Week 1: I found that having a 45 minutes lunch break wasn't really a good idea as I am a slow eater, having a lunch break during the peak lunchtime was rushed and in the end, we had to eat takeaway food because there were long queues everywhere.
Week 2: I found out that my designs are relatively simple as compared to the designs made by others.
Week 3: After receiving feedback on my dissected letters, I felt a little lost and anxious. I felt like I couldn't really progress with the initial picture thus I changed it and decided to start afresh. I reminded myself that this is all a learning curve for me and that I should chase improvement and learning rather than performance.
Week 4: I only received feedback from Facebook as today was a public holiday. I lowkey wished I had the chance to get my feedback face to face just so I can get details and every essence of the feedback for me to adjust my work.
Week 5: I realized that using a typeface as a reference to refining the letterforms made things much clearer. I finally had a direction and idea of adjusting my strokes to which stroke should be thicker or thinner.
1. The Layout Book - Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris
26/8/19 - 2/9/2019 (Week 1-Week 2)
Fig: 4.1: The Layout Book |
This book brings about examples of layout, both contemporary and historic, from all around the world. It contains examples from leading graphic designers to provide a sample of the rich and diverse possibilities for the creative use of layout. Through this book, I learned that layout design was developed in order to resolve the problem of organizing elements on a page. Since humans started to record information with cuneiform marks in clay tablets, there has been a need to organize information on a page. Also, looking through the examples, I can see how designers apply the golden ratio into their designs. The golden ratio reflects naturally beautiful proportions that can be found in nature. The proportions are intuitive as the eye tends to respond to the spatial relationships they create. This also helps create important areas of white space or open space that frames the text and image which allows them to generate maximum impact.
2. Stop Stealing Sheep & find out how type works - Erik Spiekermann & E.M. Ginger
9/9/19 - 16/9/2019 (Week 3-Week 4)
Fig.4.2: Stop Stealing Sheep & find out how type works |
After reading the book, I've learned about the different type expressions that are used on different words to convey its meaning. Type has its practical uses. It has the ability to express emotions. If we look closely at a letter, we can see the personality that is expressed through its physical characteristics whether it is light or heavy, round or square, slim or squat. Some words can look nicer than others just like how some words sound better. It may be because we don't like the meaning of the word thus we form an opinion before we even start reading it. Anyone looking at a printed message will be influenced within a split second. From the arrangement of various elements, including the individual look of each one, an overall impression will be formed in our minds before we even read the first word.
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